5 min read

Tools, tips and philosophies to make LinkedIn work for you.

Tools, tips and philosophies to make LinkedIn work for you.

Hold onto your hats, folks! This edition was a blast from start to finish. A virtual standing ovation for our superstar guest, Nicole Hatherly. 🌟 Why? Because she sprinkled her special brand of magic that has turned businesses around. And oh boy, did she share some of that with us!

Ever thought of AI as a sandwich? πŸ₯ͺ Nope? Neither did we! But Nic had us all nodding our heads with her genius sandwich analogy. Too delicious to miss, you've GOT to tune in!

Our juicy TWC menu? πŸ”

πŸ›Ÿ Safety First: Crafting your very own LinkedIn fortress.

🎯 Purpose Patrol: Keeping those posts on the straight and narrow.

🧬 Structure Secrets: Nic's special recipe to humanize and simplify LinkedIn.

Members can listening in to the full presentation here - a password will be shared in the community later today. {its about 45 mins long}

Fancy a slice of the Nicole pie? Connect with her:

 Linkedin
 Website
 Instagram

And for an encore, here’s where you can hang out with yours truly, Jane:

 Linkedin
 Website
 Instagram

Quick dive into digital dynamite for a few insights

ONE: Manage your LinkedIn space to make it your own by setting the rules of play upfront. You can create your own version, but this is the message I send to all new requests: 'Always happy to connect. You can connect and follow my content via #humandigitalfusionist. Please note that I unfollow and disconnect from anyone who sends a sales pitch. I am here to connect, collaborate, and learn. Thanks, Jane.'

TWO: Pick a topic (one chapter in your complete story), and own it for a few months. Consistency is key! πŸ”‘ Over time, you can use data and analytics to see which topic resonates most with your audience. Perhaps you have a book to write? And an audience waiting to buy it in 12 months' time?

THREE: Choose a content format that you feel comfortable with and experiment with it for a few months. Both Nic and I are exploring the TL;DR style post, which simply means a short text or image post. A few examples I shared include:

An opinion share is a good one where you add your perspective to a thought leader's topic, like this one. A post-conference wrap-up, like this one, is great for inviting participants and speakers into your ecosystem.
A simple re-share, like this one, effectively showcases your purpose and pillars. Or a case study like this one can be the source of evergreen content that then fueled 10 seperate pieces of content. 

FOUR: Nic introduced the 4:1:1 Content Cocktail: Incorporate 1x soft sell and 1x hard sell in a set of 6 posts. This approach ensures a balance between promotional content and value-added material.

FIVE: Nic unveiled a remarkable process to infuse more heart into your content. It was enlightening to see how you can not only enhance the value of your comments but also do so without increasing your workload. Break free with tools like Writi.io.

How do we use images that reflect our stories?

Consider weaving imagery into your story using tools like canva, unsplash & noun project. An image paints a thousand words. I did a tech wisdom circle on this early on as part of a series called PLAY DATES. You can have a listen here and learn about how I use imagery in my context. In it I cover off. {its about 25 mins long}

  1. The elements of a brand
  2. Finding useful tempaltes
  3. Useful templates to save
  4. Creating a customer file
  5. Changing dimensions
  6. Adding branded elements
  7. Importing additional content

If you would like to join the Amplify community, please message me at jane@partnersindigital.com.au. It's a community where members commit to sharing their story once per week via LinkedIn to help the entire community leverage the algorithm. This amplifies your story to potential customers who are eagerly searching for exactly what you offer. The rules of play are straightforward but non-negotiable. To share a link requires a commitment to comment on and amplify the stories of fellow members. It's radical generosity in practice.

I currently have 3 open circles;

  1. MONDAY: 11-12pm AEST
  3. FRIDAY: 8-10am AEST (change)

If you know anyone who would like to join that fits within the basic rules of collaboration within the tech wisdom circle, please send them a link to register here.

The Tech Wisdom Circle is for women working in leadership, consulting & coaching who work in areas related to human-led technology! The only pre-requisite is an open heart and mind and a willingness to share learnings and build capabilities together. πŸ’ͺ

The focus is on humanising technology and the topics are defined each month by our members.

  • Subscribe to the weekly CVB newsletter for founders and marketers looking to transform their marketing into the engine for customer-led growth and innovation.
  • Register for the Tech Wisdom Circle here for women coaches and consultants working in Australia and NZ. {we will expand to other countries in 2024}
  • Follow me on Instagram and Linkedin for more daily inspiration related to all things digital, marketing, brand, storytelling and customer.
  • If you are looking for one-2-one advice on guidance as to how you can use digital to monetise your value and amplify it to a customer ready to purchase, you can find out more about our Growth Catalyst program here.
  • If you are a CEO or founder and interested in the strategic focus program that brands including Mont Marte and Spendless Shoes have used to fuel customer-led growth and innovation and you are looking to do the same, let's talk.

Thanks for giving me your time and have a lovely week! 🀩

πŸ’šπŸ’š And remember, when you care for your customers, you will change the way you do business forever. πŸ’šπŸ’š